The polar vortex literally made our old house shiver this winter, and the utility bills to heat the house made my husband and I shiver even more, as our $400 a month bill continued to climb as temperatures plunged again. And again. And again.
With several months of winter still ahead of us, I carefully read the current bill from People's Gas, and noticed the following message:
"Enroll in Budget Billing today to help manage your gas bills. Simply pay exactly $163.00 instead of the amount due shown on your payment coupon by your bill due date. Your monthly payment will be $163.00."
So the first thing I did to manage our utility bills was to pay the specified amount and - voila! - we were set up in the Budget Payment Plan. We received a letter that confirmed our enrollment, with an overview of how the program worked. Very straightforward and easy.
People's Gas estimates how much natural gas you'll use based on the previous year and calculates a monthly payment over the full year (12 months). Halfway through the budget year, they'll adjust to reflect gas price changes, actual usage or extreme weather impacts. Periodic adjustments spread the cost out so you don't get socked with a huge bill at year-end.
My next step was to find out what we could do to tighten up our old house to reduce our overall energy costs - and losses. I knew our old house - with its balloon framing - would have lots of room for improvement in the areas of sealing and insulation. But what else could we do?
People's Gas has a bunch of Heating Tips. These are still on MY list:
* Install a programmable thermostat (1 type works with steam boilers: To do)
* Install a ceiling fan (This will be more noticeable in summer; we'll think about it).
* Insulate the home (Working on this next!!!)
* Seal and insulate ducts (Working on this one).
* Seal leaks with weather stripping (Working on this too).